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Free necklace with breast pump purchase on Valentine's Day (US only)
Free necklace with breast pump purchase on Valentine's Day (US only)
How to Handle Baby Biting During Breastfeeding

How to Handle Baby Biting During Breastfeeding

For many breastfeeding moms, getting “bitten” by their baby during nursing can be a sudden and painful surprise. Reacting with an instinctive shout can scare your baby, potentially leading to feeding issues. Here are some calm and effective ways to manage this situation while encouraging positive nursing habits.

Method 1: Insert a Finger to Gently Release the Latch

If your baby bites, the first step is to gently break the latch without startling them. Insert your finger between your nipple and your baby’s gums to release the bite and calmly say, “No biting.” Even young babies can pick up on vocal tones, and with consistency, they’ll start to understand that biting means no milk.

Repeating this action a few times can help your baby learn that biting doesn’t lead to feeding, and they’ll gradually stop the behavior.

Method 2: Use the Breast to Gently Block the Nose

Another gentle technique is to hold your baby closer, lightly blocking their nose with the breast when they bite. The temporary interruption in breathing will cause them to instinctively open their mouth, releasing the nipple. Be mindful to do this very briefly, as the goal is only to create a quick reflexive response.

Tips to Prevent Future Biting

Preventing biting before it starts can help keep nursing a positive experience. Here are some tips to make this happen:

  1. Look for Signs Baby Is Finished: When your baby’s swallowing slows and they start to nurse more playfully, it may be time to end the feeding. Babies may bite out of boredom or curiosity, so removing the breast can prevent this.

  2. Offer Teething Toys if Baby Is Teething: If your baby is teething, they may bite to relieve gum discomfort. Offer a teething toy before nursing to reduce the urge to bite during feeding.

  3. Maintain Proper Nursing Position: A secure latch and positioning can help your baby feel more stable and prevent them from biting out of a need for comfort or security.


Biting can be an uncomfortable part of the breastfeeding journey, but with these calm and proactive methods, it’s manageable. By addressing biting immediately and taking preventive measures, you can create a positive and pain-free nursing experience for both you and your baby.

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