Key Prenatal Checkups: Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy

Key Prenatal Checkups: Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a journey filled with anticipation and challenges, and prenatal checkups are essential to ensure the health of both mother and baby. Typically, expectant mothers undergo 9-11 prenatal checkups during pregnancy. If the mother is older, or has conditions like gestational diabetes, hypertension, or placenta previa, the number of checkups may be higher. Among these numerous checkups, some critical tests must be done within specific time frames. Missing these can mean they cannot be redone. In the later stages of pregnancy, some important tests are crucial for a smooth delivery. This article will detail the key prenatal tests and their schedules, helping expectant mothers prepare adequately to ensure they don’t miss any important checkups.

Tests with Time Constraints

Certain tests must be performed within specific weeks of pregnancy, such as the NT scan, early and mid-trimester screening, detailed anomaly scan, and glucose tolerance test. Missing these windows can affect the accuracy of the results, and doctors usually will not perform them outside these time frames.

01 NT Scan

This test involves an ultrasound to measure the thickness of the fluid at the back of the baby's neck to assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities. It must be done between 11-13 weeks.

02 Early and Mid-trimester Screening

Early screening is conducted between 10-13 weeks and mid-trimester screening between 15-20 weeks. These blood tests screen for the risk of Down syndrome. If the result is high risk, further tests like non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) or amniocentesis may be needed.

03 Detailed Anomaly Scan

Medically referred to as a fetal anatomy scan, this is typically done between 20-24 weeks to check for fetal anomalies. Some hospitals may schedule it between 18-26 weeks, so early booking is recommended.

04 Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)

Performed between 25-28 weeks, this test screens for gestational diabetes by measuring blood glucose levels. The test requires fasting and involves drawing blood three times, so it can be quite demanding. It's best to have someone accompany you.

Important Tests in Late Pregnancy

In the later stages of pregnancy, some tests are crucial to ensure a smooth delivery. These tests monitor fetal position, heart rate, amniotic fluid levels, and fetal growth. It's important for expectant mothers to attend these checkups regularly. If a test is missed due to special circumstances, it can usually be made up later.

01 Fetal Position

After 30 weeks, the baby’s position in the uterus starts to stabilize. During checkups, the doctor will assess the fetal position.

02 Non-Stress Test (NST)

Starting from 34 weeks, an NST is performed during each checkup to monitor the baby's heart rate. Some expectant mothers may need to start this test earlier due to specific conditions.

03 Obstetric Ultrasound

Beginning at 37 weeks, an obstetric ultrasound is done to measure the baby's head circumference, abdominal circumference, and femur length, ensuring they are within normal ranges. The scan also confirms fetal position and checks amniotic fluid and placenta conditions.

Prenatal Checkup Schedule

Prenatal Checkup Schedule


  • NT scan, early screening, and GTT usually require fasting, but specific requirements may vary by hospital. Consult your doctor for details.
  • The specific items and timing of each checkup will be arranged by your doctor based on your individual situation. As long as the key tests are not missed, other tests can be adjusted according to your schedule.


Prenatal checkups are crucial to ensuring the health of both mother and baby. Expectant mothers should attend these checkups as scheduled and pay attention to the key tests at each stage. By understanding and planning your checkups in advance, you can avoid missing or delaying any important tests and ensure a smooth and healthy pregnancy journey. We hope this guide helps expectant mothers confidently navigate their prenatal checkups and enjoy a healthy pregnancy.

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